An invitation for community builders and lovers of community...
The Community Builders Circle:
A Six Month Journey in Creating Community and Making a Difference By Being Yourself
A Message About Community
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“So, like the blind man, close your eyes. Like the deaf man, block your ears, go inside and realize…that which you seek has been there within.”

- Sydney Banks
 Creating community from the inside out 
How do you create a community where connection, safety and support are the norm?

How can we live, work and play together in harmony?

What happens when conflicts arise and people disagree?

These are key questions of community building, and I’m looking for a group of pioneers to live these questions with me in a circle of community builders.
 Why community building? 
Community building is alive everywhere.

Entrepreneurs are told to build an online community to create clients, and disillusioned seekers are turning to villages and co-living as a solution to their feelings of disconnection and loneliness.

But most communities, like most relationships, don’t work out the way we plan.

We quickly move from wide-eyed idealism to the realities of what it means to live in close contact with people who think, act and speak differently.

What’s missing is an understanding of where connection comes from and what keeps us creating together in harmony.

We need this understanding to navigate conflicts large and small, and to nurture the hope of uniting as a global community to solve the challenges we face as citizens on this planet.

Community starts from knowing connection from the inside, starting with you, and then expanding to include the person beside you and the environment, including all its systems, structures and nature.

If we want to experience community as a sanctuary where we can thrive, we need to go deeper, and that journey begins by going within.
 Who is this for? 
I’m looking for people who are:
  • Desiring deeper connection with the people around them, especially in their local communities
  • Community members creating and contributing to one or more communities
  • Pioneers who want to learn, discover and grow through relationships

This is for people who are willing to be the first to venture into new territory within themselves and their communities. It may get messy because it's going to be real as we learn and grow together, but it will be a beautiful mess. :)
     What is the Community Builders Circle? 

    This is a six month journey starting July 12th in which we’ll gather as a group of aspiring or current community builders to nourish the seeds of connection within ourselves first, and then bring those fruits to our communities.

    This is a movement that begins with The Awakened Business community, but contributes to a vision of simple empowerment to be shared with community builders everywhere.

    We’ll explore:

    • The meaning of community for you individually

    • The origin of the feelings of connection and disconnection

    • How to nurture safety and support in community

    • Being your authentic self within a diverse group of people

    • Different models, experiments and best practices for bringing people together

    We’ll meet 2x each month on zoom as an intimate group of community pioneers, each of us taking actions to seed and nurture communities in our own lives. You’ll also have an online space – not on social media – where you can connect and share between sessions.

    The investment is $555 or $111 USD monthly for six months. I’m asking for a longer commitment to allow time to explore Truth about ourselves and our communities.

    I’m not coming to you with answers, but rather with questions we’ll live into together as we discover more about the magic of community.

    You’ll be encouraged and supported in real-life community experiments wherever you are right now, as we use ourselves as test subjects for creating the future of thriving community.

    Warning: this isn’t an experience for students or lurkers. This is for doers who dare to dream and create beautiful projects and communities in the world.

    The search for community isn’t about building a utopia or finding your soul tribe. It begins with finding what you seek within, and then creating from the overflow of that abundance.
       If your heart says YES to this invitation... 

      Email me about what you'd love to contribute and receive in your community.

      I'll respond within 48 business hours and if we haven't met before, we'll have a quick chat to make sure it's the right match. (I'm carefully selecting Circle members for the most creative and joyful experience.)

      I’m seeking a maximum of 21 inspired Community Builders to join me in creating the connected communities we want to live in.

      Our first session begins on July 12th, so email me now to discover if the Circle is a match for your community building adventures.

      I look forward to rediscovering the truth and joy of community together!
      Yours in love and play,


      P.S. I’m also adding a second "Ignite Your Community" option for people who want additional 1:1 support designing and implementing their community experiences, either virtually or in real life.

      Hit up my email to let me know if you’re interested in one or both of these options. Thanks!