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What I’m Doing Now

(This is a now page inspired by Derek Sivers, and if you have your own website, you might like to make one, too.) Updated September 1st, 2024 from Walden, NY.

Creating my GROW program.

GROW is the fourth experience in the IMPACT membership, and this month I’ll be preparing for its launch in September. We’ll be focusing on client creation, and I’m really excited to see what’s emerging!

If you’d like to contribute your feedback to the GROW program, you can take the brief survey here.

Enjoying time with family, friends and clients in the Hudson Valley, NY, Durango, CO and the Tampa Bay area of Florida.

As I write this, I’m staying with a dear friend in the Hudson Valley. I’ve been welcomed with kindness and generosity since my arrival only three days ago, and I feel incredibly blessed to have such beautiful people in my life. 🥰 It’s green, lovely and familiar here, and I can’t help noticing how different it feels after being in Portugal for a year.

I’ve joined forces with my good friends Tom Mattox, Kate Roberts and Bernie Kettle to create a retreat for no more than 12 people at the beautiful Sundara estate on the Braden River. This is going to be wonderful! You can learn more about it and grab one of the few spots left here: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/beyondenough

Exploring the development of “Paid to Be You.”

As part of the Authentic Market Discovery course, I’ve been having conversations with entrepreneurs. One of the topics that emerged came from a comment repeated several times, “I just want to get paid to be me.”

I’m intrigued and inspired to create this as a course, group coaching or other program because it’s really at the heart of what I already do. I continue to have conversations about it and explore next steps. Perhaps not until 2025, but we shall see.

Drafting a Playbook for the LoveInAction Community and set up recurring circle events.

A rough draft is in the works based on feedback from the LoveInAction Community members. It’s moving forward slowly, but steadily.

Continuing my dance lessons while traveling.

I’ve managed to find studios where I can continue my practice and dance while traveling in the US this month. Yes, I am clearly obsessed and happily so. 😁 I may even be able to rent my own pole for daily practice for three weeks! 🎉🎉

A friend asked, “Why are you doing this? Do you want to perform?”

The true answer is I just want to do it. I’m compelled. I’m drawn without reason. This seems to me the highest calling to do anything: out of delight taken for its own sake.

Performance? Yes. Fitness? Yes. I’d love to be proficient enough to teach one day. But none of that matters. I just love it.

I’m gently wondering about…

  • The magnificence of the human body and its healing potential.
  • How life and death are inseparable, and resistance to death is also resisting life, which makes it less vibrant.
  • What can I do to get my left front split as close to the ground as my right? 🤔
  • If Eckhart Tolle can live as a homeless person blissed out on a park bench for two years, what do I really have to worry about?
  • Just how easy and fun can it be to create money and impact in the world?