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I took up my own challenge and wrote a description of my Future Self. This is who I saw.

She is empowered, confident, compassionate, generous, true, playful, sexy, sensual.

She walks into a room and people notice, not because she is loud or because she draws attention, but because her gentle energy shifts people into knowledge of their own greatness.

She breathes power, presence and inspiration.

She gives her body the love it craves. She drops into the moment, trembling with the frequency of now. She wishes happiness and love to the world, and opens to receive it.

She does not waste time pining for that which is missing. She CREATES it in this moment and invites you to join her, if you will.

She listens and gives herself completely to the one before her when she is with them. There is nowhere she would rather be than where she is.

She dares greatly because she knows there is nothing to lose. She breathes deeply, loves fully, communicates clearly because this day is the only day, maybe the last day, and she marvels in it.

She steps into the vision of her future self NOW before she thinks she is ready. She dares what she dreams NOW because there is nothing to stop her.

She knows who she is and rests in it. She does not seek the approval or love of others because she gives it to herself. As a result, she sees it reflected everywhere, even in the faces of her enemies.

There is nothing she cannot do, and there is nothing she will not do, for love.