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Trust | Wildspire Sparks Podcast

Trust | Wildspire Sparks Podcast

  I once had a friend who told me he had trust issues. He could not trust other people. Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: When he said this to me, I felt confused because I felt no need to trust others. I knew that I could trust myself to know what to do to...
This | Wildspire Sparks Podcast

This | Wildspire Sparks Podcast

The other day I was invited to ask a question: What do you want? What do you really want? What have you always wanted? Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: You might ask yourself this question now as I did then. I sat in the silence of nothing and listened while the...
Future | Wildspire Spark Podcast

Future | Wildspire Spark Podcast

For years I said, “The changes are just about to come! Good things are coming. I can feel it.” Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: When I said that it always felt true but what I meant in that never seemed to show up. A lot of time as I was talking about money....