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In a business environment where self help entrepreneur tips and tricks are touted as necessary for our well-being and success, the very tools and strategies intended to help can become a spiral of pressure and unease. Clare Downham, a transformative coach known as the Queen of Calm, sees something different.

Clare speaks from her own experience of burnout and overwhelm as a head teacher, dropping #truthbombs as casually as talking about the weather. She worked tirelessly to beat procrastination until she found a surprisingly simple way out of the cycle of self-judgement.

We talk self-care, morning success rituals — and how we can beat ourselves up with them — a motorhome called Trevor, and the next evolution of caring for yourself. 

Grab a cuppa and get ready to relax, as we explore…

  • The myths and misunderstandings of calm and where it comes from
  • Why there are no good or bad feelings
  • How to get off the hamster wheel of the self help entrepreneur
  • What’s better than a morning success ritual when it comes to being your personal best
  • When procrastinating is wisdom
  • Stopping the cycle of self judgement
  • When plans and goals get in the way of progress

Listen and download the podcast here:


Meet Clare Downham, the Queen of Calm

Clare was a Headteacher when, in March 2015, she walked out of work and never went back. A year after burning out, she resigned from her 20-year career in education to retrain as a hypnotherapist and more recently, a transformational coach. 

Until the start of 2020 Clare had immersed herself in self-development, therapy, reading and learning in an attempt to “fix” herself. She never felt like she was quite finished, making change after change that was short lived, and never feeling quite good enough.

Recently Clare came upon a completely different way of understanding how human experience is created which has allowed her to finally be okay with who she is and where she is in life.

Clare, now known as The Queen of Calm, uses the power of transformational life coaching to take professional women from overthinking and overwhelm to feeling calm and thinking clearly.

Connect with Clare

Website: www.claredownham.com

Take the free experience of “21 Days to Feel Calm & Think Clearly”: www.bit.ly/21dayscalm

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarequeenofcalm

Subscribe for updates to the Wildspire Conversations podcast here: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/wildspire-podcast