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Kellie Hansen has a diverse background including naturopathy, coaching, networking and healing. She wonders…

What’s the next step to reach more people as her services evolve?

As Kellie relates the experiments she’s been conducting, the alchemy of creation that’s already been underway over the past months reveals itself to both of us. The connections come fast and furious, emerging into a break from the status quo with an experience that engages ALL her tools and techniques.

Kellie leaves with an inspired vision for a journey of transformation integrating all her skills and experience in an intuition-led group program for women entrepreneurs.

“I have so much to do but, no —  I need to journal on this NOW!” she announced at the end of our call.

Join us for a conversation adventure demonstrating how the next step on the path of inspired creation is only one thought away.

Listen and download the podcast here:

Here’s some of what we discover:

  • How to break out of the mold and move beyond perceived limitations with business that’s completely different

  • What happens when you take a “good” idea and ask, “What would make this even more exciting?”

  • Tapping all your skills and abilities without being held back by labels

  • Why you’re not a necessarily “new” coach, even if you just got your certification or just started your business

  • How to shift from following the established model and a science-based approach to “I don’t care what you think anymore” doing it your way

  • Integrating a diverse background, experience and story into a one-of-a-kind experience that lets you use ALL your assets to help clients.

“When your passion or drive to bring something to the world is so great, it will be greater than your fears.” – Kellie Hansen

Meet Kellie Hansen, Naturopath and Life Coach

Kellie worked in the television and film industry for all of her early adult life. While it was exciting and glamorous, the fast-paced and stressful lifestyle left her completely burnt out emotionally and physically.

After juggling years of working around the clock, stressing about deadlines and a busy social life, her body finally said, “Enough is enough!”

Constant exhaustion and frequent illness were her life for over two years. The fatigue was so debilitating that she had to stop EVERYTHING to get well.

Kellie’s experience led her to realize that when we don’t have our health, every aspect of our lives is negatively affected, our mood, finances, work, relationships and social lives. 

From that moment on, Kellie dedicated her life to finding balance and optimal physical and mental health. She made a choice to heal herself by becoming a naturopath and life coach, turning her life around completely.

What Kellie discovered through her own journey and professional experience is that success, joy and vitality come when all aspects of health; physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and social are in balance.

Her mission is to support women to live with more balance, happiness, connection, emotional resilience and greater health empowering women to overcome their roadblocks to success.

Through coaching programs, Kellie supports women to breakthrough their fears and self-doubt to create a life that is in alignment with their soul purpose and how they want to feel. They establish a solid foundation of physical and mental health so that they have the health, vitality and clarity to create a sustainable business and life that they love.

Connect with Kellie:

Website: https://www.kelliehansen.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KellieHansen.naturopath.coach

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelliehansen.naturopath.coach

Subscribe for updates to the Wildspire Conversations podcast here: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/wildspire-podcast/