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The awakening of feminine power isn’t just about having more women in business and leadership positions; it’s a shift towards leading with intuition rather than logic and strategy. Meghan Gilroy is catalyzing this feminine energy in women in order to reharmonize our world.

We have an expansive conversation about sisterhood, what it means to be “fully shining,” and how creating from your heart’s desire changes the world.

Here’s some of what we explore:

  • The transformational magic of a sisterhood 
  • How to show up as your fully shining self in life and business 
  • The feminine spiral path of creation through intuition and cycles of nature 
  • Creating from desire vs. creating from lack 
  • Dipping into the spiritual to create practical change 
  • Finding the gifts in the shadow while we embrace the light 
  • The spiritual evolution of the entrepreneurial journey 
  • Rebalancing the masculine and the feminine energies 
  • The importance of going inward and resting for original creation

Listen to the podcast here:

Creating From Your Heart’s Desire

“There’s a life force flowing through our human bodies that wants to come out – the more you tune into that heart’s desire, and keep letting go of anything that’s stopping you from sharing that light, then we get to bump into each other in ways that pass on the love.”  – Meghan Gilroy

 The sisterhood is a network of feminine power rising globally, bringing the individual and the collective into harmony. Women are coming together to let go of self-judgement, to trust and to celebrate themselves while supporting each other. This leads to both inner and outer results. 

You are already your “fully shining” self. You can connect with this authentic expression of yourself and expand it, or notice where you’re not shining and clear it. Both the light and the shadow offer paths of transformation. 

Feminine power follows the spiral path of creation through the cycles of nature. Meghan invokes the energies of the directions, the seasons and the cycles of the moon to help women identify where they are and meet their needs in the moment; this includes times of outward creation and inward stillness. 

Create from your inner desire, rather than an experience of lack. When you understand that the deeper desire you wish to create comes from within, you still get to play in creation matching that desire. The spiritual, energetic side is translated into the practical as impact in the world. 

We are powerful creators. Our gift as humans is to envision an idea and create it in the world. When we tap into our deepest desire, magic and mystery starts happening. 

Channel your heartfelt desire into the structures of your business. As you face resistance to showing up and being visible, it presents an opportunity to evolve spiritually. It takes courage and healing. 

“The entrepreneurial journey is an invitation to spiritually evolve through your business.” – Meghan Gilroy

 A return to the feminine spiral of creation offers an end to burnout and fatigue. We’re conditioned to push for a perpetual harvest, the pursuit of more and bigger. Allowing for all phases of creation – including the stillness and hibernation of winter, the reflective time of the dark moon, a time when the ground goes fallow to rest – imbues your creation with power and vibrancy. It actually yields better results.  

Let go of your expectations and allow creation to happen in its own timing. When you attune to the cycles of creation, you’re no longer doing for the sake of doing, and things happen in the right timing. Creation isn’t a continual upward movement; it’s cyclical. 

Feminine power harmonizes with masculine power in divine creation. You can lead with the feminine power of intuition, taking leaps of faith and noting the sychonronicities that arise. Then, use masculine tools and strategies in service of your heart’s desire. The masculine and feminine exist in each individual, and you get to discover the right balance for you. When Meghan was oriented towards outward achievement, her life was unfulling. Only in returning to the rhythms of nature did she find nourishing, sustainable creativity. 

“We need fully shining women, men, transgender, non-binary people so that we can come up with the creative solutions to help our planet and support each other.” – Meghan Gilroy

Meet Meghan Gilroy, Business Coach & Spiritual Leader

Spiritual leader Meghan Gilroy is the creator of the Fully Shining Women Leading Our World movement and the founder of the Fully Shining Women Wisdom School. 

Her soul purpose is to catalyze a true sisterhood of smart, conscious, capable, caring women to unleash our feminine power so we can break through our blocks and barriers, answer our soul callings and ignite bigger potential in ourselves, our lives, our communities and world. 

She believes that every woman deserves to create a life where she feels seen, heard, fulfilled, and supported. When she is, she creates positive ripples in the world around her and can contribute to solving the pressing problems that we face today – from personal, local to global. 

Named a “spiritual leader for the next generation” in her early twenties by international best-selling author of The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz, she has now worked with thousands of women around the world online and through retreats, workshops & women’s circles in the US, Mexico, Peru and Europe. 

Meghan inspires women who wonder how to truly enjoy a meaningful life with time for self-care and wellness through her own story of walking away from a life of stress, resentment and exhaustion as a recovering people-pleasing, overachieving, perfectionist who built multiple 7-figure businesses – only to realize she wasn’t happy. 

Now living on a small ranch in a tiny mountain town in Colorado in a blended family, Meghan navigates following her intuition and purpose while empowering women to walk their own path towards happiness and soul success so we can create a better and brighter world for all. 

Connect with Meghan 

Website: www.meghangilroy.com 

Join the sisterhood on Mighty Networks: sisters.fullyshiningwomen.com 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/meghangilroy 

YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/fullyshiningwomen 

Personal Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/meghan.gilroy.1 

Business Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/meghangilroycoaching 

Free resources: 

Subscribe to the Wildspire podcast: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/wildspire