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Today is the day in the United States that we call Thanksgiving, but I am not in the United States. I am in Portugal where this holiday is not celebrated.

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There are reminders in my emails, in my messages from friends and family.

The Thanksgiving holiday has always been my favorite because it seemed there was nothing to do but celebrate.

Be grateful. Remember.

Take a moment to look around the table at my loved ones and notice what I love about them. What I appreciate about them.

I know some people create a lot of stress around Thanksgiving, but not me.

This holiday seemed simple.

At one time in my life, gratitude exercises made sense to me as practices to create more of that feeling.

But now, I recognize that when I get quiet and bring my attention to something or someone, anything really, gratitude just arises.

Like right now. I’m looking at this mango plant, this little tree that a week ago was barely a green sprout from the pit of a mango. Now it is eight inches tall with pale, green leaves that hang like floppy dog ears.

How miraculous! You can almost see it grow by the minute.

Whenever I’m with something, even something as simple as this little mango tree, gratitude is there.

Gratitude is the experience of being. It’s the experience of being alive and of being with.

It’s the ability to appreciate something.

The beautiful thing about gratitude is that nothing is required of me. It’s already here. It’s already present.

I get to just fall back into it, as into the arms of a lover.


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