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Anthony Trahair calls himself a Playfulness Catalyst, and has made it his mission to bring people back into the joy of living. He brings his experience as a professional juggler, street performer, and clown to the creation of the Playfulness Festival in Italy and to help people explore their personal “play history” and “play personality.”

In this conversation, we explore how to return to playfulness even in the “serious” areas of life like business, and where to begin if you don’t feel playful.

Here’s some of what we explore: 

  • The birth of the Playfulness Festival in Italy
  • The positive impact of play for people with neurodivergence
  • How to activate play in your life, even if you think you’re not “playful”
  • Discovering your playful personality and exploring your play history to bring childlike joy to your adult life
  • Playing your business as an infinite game

Listen on the podcast:

Awaken Your Playfulness

“The whole world is a creation happening moment by moment around you…it becomes a game.” – Anthony Trahair

The origins of the Playfulness Festival in Italy. Anthony discovered the gift he wants to share with the world: playfulness, and attended the Counterplay playfulness festival in Denmark. He then spoke to the Mayor of his town in Italy about hosting such a festival in their village, and was rather surprised to get a yes! Now he’s hosted it three times, including an online version during lockdown, and a new one is coming up in June, all dedicated to bringing people together with the permission to play.

“Play is a movement” – Anthony Trahair

The Playful Path begins with a Loving Heart, a Joyful Mind and a Vibrant Body. The first step is to notice playful things around you. The second is to notice who is interacting playfully with you and say yes to their invitation. The third is to invite others into play.

Playfulness brings many gifts. Joy, courage, kindness, confidence and feeling more alive happen naturally with the “yes…and” energy of play.

We can do business playfully, without pressure. We’re taught that we need pressure to create and produce, but it’s not true. Without trust, it’s difficult to enjoy yourself.

“Surprise yourself.” – Anthony Trahair

Let brainstorming be play. When you “get your bad ideas out immediately,” it brings a smile and you’re not taking it too seriously. More ideas will come when you’re not self-censoring or playing the game of, “I’m right and you’re wrong.”

A business is best treated as an infinite game. This means it’s designed to keep the game going, rather than with a focus on winning, competition and being the best.

Be clear on what you want, but don’t be rigid about getting there. Allow space for spontaneity, connect with people, and surprise yourself.

The Breaking All Your Rules workshop on April 16th. You’ll notice what’s not fun and remember things that have been fun in the past. You’ll explore your own particular style of playfullness and get inspired to add more to your life.

“When we open up into complete trust, amazing things happen.” – Anthony Trahair

Meet Anthony Trahair, Playfulness Catalyst, Author, Yogi & Coach

Anthony Nino Trahair is a passionate advocate for the power of play and personal transformation. With over two decades of experience, Anthony has dedicated his life to helping individuals rediscover their playfulness and rewrite their life’s rulebook.

Anthony’s mission is to empower individuals to live life on their terms, free from self-imposed limitations, and filled with the boundless possibilities that a playful mindset offers.

An ex-professional juggler turned yogi and life coach. Originally from the UK he resides in Italy, devoted to permaculture and off-grid living.

He has authored two books, Pearls of Juggling and Meeting Life.

Connect with Anthony

Anthony’s Website: https://anthonytrahair.com

Playfulness Festival: https://www.giocosamentefestival.eu

Anthony’s Books: https://anthonytrahair.com/my-books

Breaking All Your Rules free workshop https://anthonytrahair.com/breaking-all-your-rules-host-stephanie-benedetto

Subscribe to the Wildspire Podcast: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/wildspire