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How do you create a masterpiece of a life in the face of insecurity and fear?

Transformational coach, Muddassir Altaf joins me for a potent conversation (and some hearty laughs!) as we explore the fertile field of the mind and tending to the thoughts that grow there to create an intentional life of joyful service.

I think of Mudd as a philosopher-poet because of his beautiful gift for metaphor, and I invite you to let the words wash over you as you listen in.

Here’s some of what we explore:


  • Cultivating your “mind field” with intention and attention


  • Finding the end of insecurity
  • The antidote for worry
  • Seeing the lie of the narrative in our heads
  • When we’re at our most productive – and why we often struggle to get there
  • Empowerment through service
  • Creating your life as a masterpiece

Listen to the podcast here:

Creating Your Life As a Masterpiece

Living your life fearlessly and fully is about creating intention and directing your attention. Muddassir lived his life surrounded by insecurity, not knowing there was another way, where random insecure thoughts looked like the truth. He sees the mind as a field where the power of our intention is a seed that grows in fertile soil. Put your attention on what you’d like to grow, and the random, wild thoughts disappear.

You can choose to grow a life that serves a higher purpose. When you serve yourself, you’re automatically serving others. We’re always exercising choice, whether we know it or not, by where we place our attention.

“When I’m not intentionally choosing to live the way I want to live, I’m giving space for anything to come into [my mind.] You can’t keep it empty. Something grows in it. That’s how it works.” – Muddassir Altaf

Productivity is doing what’s yours to do, not doing what you think you should do. When you’re not caught up in the mind’s judgements about what you should do, you’ll be attending to the things that really need taking care of.

The antidote for worry is falling in love with life and living it. Doing work that brings you alive cures worry. You no longer let insecurity stop you. Listening to and honoring what feels right in the moment is experiencing the fullness of life.

The end of insecurity doesn’t mean never feeling insecure; it means knowing it’s a lie. When you see that you don’t have to put your attention on insecure thoughts, that’s freedom.

“When your intention is clean it’s like a potent seed. It just grows.” – Muddassir Altaf

Knowing you don’t NEED to do anything doesn’t make you unproductive. On the contrary, it opens the possibility for incredible productivity and creativity when we know ourselves free from neediness. You’ll see that you don’t need to do anything to be okay.

We’re not made to see far into the future, but we can always see a little. Navigating life is like driving in the fog, just seeing enough to take the next step. It’s humbling, but we don’t have to do the hard work of making things happen.

While you can’t control the world, seeing your intention is empowering. When you stop giving your attention to what is not, then what is uses you for a greater purpose. A clean intention is going something to please the Source of creation.

The intelligence of life informs you of what wants to be created through you. You simply listen and follow the flow of guidance. You end up creating a masterpiece that you can’t see until it’s been created.

You are a masterpiece. There is only one of you, and when you drop out of the lie of need, masterpieces are created through you.

Meet Muddassir Altaf, Transformational Coach, Consultant, Speaker


Muddassir Altaf is an international consultant, coach, speaker and facilitator. He is the co-founder of The Little Giants, a coaching, training and consulting organization primarily focused on building a safe & empowering culture in organisations, societies and families where we work & live. Muddassir is a registered 3PGC Practitioner, a certified 3P educator, mentor and a coach by Back To The Fitrah Mentoring Academy. He is also a certified trainer of NLP and a Certified Coach by ICF and Marshal Goldsmith. Muddassir also has a background in Neuroscience based coaching and training.

Muddassir’s claim to 10,000 hours of experience has come rubbing shoulders predominantly with senior management and mid-level leaders on the corporate corridors while coaching and training them. This is where he found his calling to partner with his brother Muzzammil and co-founded ‘The Little Giants’ over four years ago.

Muddassir came across the Three Principles three years ago, and life has not been the same since. He was battling with an innocent misunderstanding from childhood that he was born with a manufacturing defect, which he thought was his truth. He was leading a life with constant fear, self-doubt and extreme stress almost all the time. When he had his first insight, he realized ‘he is OK, he was born OK and he will always be OK’. This insight has massively shifted his approach to work and life beyond imagination like waking up to a whole new way of living and life. Today both Muddassir and his brother Muzzammil find inspiration and joy in helping leaders, business owners and young adults wake up to their divine true selves.

Muddassir is a learning professional by choice. Coaching has transformed his life from somebody who grew-up with very low self-esteem to leading a mission of waking-up leaders globally in getting back in touch with their divine true self, and to help them lead authentically from the inside-out in creating safe and empowering environments in their organisations, societies and families.

Connect with Muddassir

Website: http://thelittlegiants.in

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muddassiraltaf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muddassir-mohammad-altaf-10059117

“What the 3Ps and Islam Have In Common” (July 2022 webinar) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoPWrlrkPwg

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