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Is it possible to live in a state of peaceful presence…while you’re taking massive action in your life and business?

Spiritual entrepreneurs and coaches seem to ping pong between meditative presence and stressful doing. In this conversation, Kate Roberts and I wonder (and counter-wonder) if there is a “hidden gear” where you can experience the best of both, being actively engaged in life without losing the inner stillness.

Whenever I wax spiritual-philosophical with my friend and transformational coach, Kate Roberts, I find myself peering over the edge of what I know into the vastness of something new. Inevitably, I’m uttering things I’ve never thought before, let alone said – words that may be either profound or ridiculous.

If that doesn’t whet your appetite for this conversation, here’s more of what we explore:

  • Shifting out of high gear for greater peace and productivity
  • The gift of asking questions without needing an answer
  • Living stillness as the invitation to effortless change and creating from joy, rather than stress
  • Finding flow in the midst of massive action
  • The joy of being lived by life that brings you to your knees
  • Being unbreakable
  • How to connect with teenagers and help them find resilience

Listen to the podcast here:

How to Live & Create From Joy Without Stress

“I’m just starting to no longer believe every thought that shows up, and in that space is so much freedom and peace.” Kate Roberts

You can be deeply present while moving at a fast pace. Most people have experienced a stressful, frenetic pace in times of busyness, and moments of peaceful quiet, but seldom do these seem to happen together. Kate explores her experience of the peace in slowing down, and now in accelerating activity, as an invitation to discover new space within movement.

Sitting in a question, without forcing an answer or needing change, invites fresh insight. Asking a question is an invitation to go deeper, and you’ll see plenty of examples in this conversation.

Stillness is found within, not in meditative practices. People often think their sense of peace can only be found in times of physical stillness, and they switch into stressful “doing mode” to create things in the world. However, a quiet mind is available in any moment, regardless of how much or little you’re doing. 

“Stillness is actually taking care of that action, and life is living through me in a very beautiful way.” –  Kate Roberts

 You can experience a flow state in action where you’re so present you don’t notice until after the fact. The mind is like a river; you have the chop on the surface, the flowing current a few feet below, and deep stillness at the bottom. Each of these experiences is available at any time. 

You won’t break from any feeling, and it won’t last forever. The intensity of emotions, both positive and negative, can make it uncomfortable to be present. These feelings always pass, and we’re designed to be okay through it all. 

It’s okay to feel uncomfortable. When your beliefs are challenged, you may want to pull them back around you like a warm blanket to comfort yourself but, “It’s not okay to feel uncomfortable,” is a story, too. Honor yourself in the times when it feels like too much. 

Teens are smart and resilient, but often don’t know their experience is temporary. Their current feeling is so intense it seems like it will go on forever. So they find beautiful coping mechanisms – video games, music, distractions – to turn down the volume. All they need is to know that it won’t last. 

You can always hit the reset button. We’re always one thought away from a clean slate, a fresh start. It happens every time you fall asleep. 

“We are a fresh start.”-  Kate Roberts

Meet Kate Roberts, Transformative Coach

Kate spent the first half of her career as a high school teacher, where she discovered that her gifts lay less in teaching history, and more in creating space for young people to show up as the best versions of themselves. Since then, she’s created in the businesses of massage therapy, property management and coaching. She loves reading, yoga, journaling, and cooking for others. Kate

Kate is the creator and co-host of a podcast called UNDER THE NOISE, with fellow coach Wyn Morgan. Though her deepest love is the exploration of truth with teenagers, former teenagers, ro within her own personal journey.

Connect with Kate

Website: https://www.katerobertscoaching.com

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/under-the-noise/id1544148445

Subscribe to the Wildspire podcast: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/wildspire