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I’ve been thinking about what’s MISSING when a message isn’t attracting soulmate clients.

So many amazingly talented coaches, healers and wellness practitioners aren’t yet reaching as many people as they’d like or having the impact they know is possible, and they aren’t (yet) experiencing the money they’d like, either. 

For them, it’s not only about creating a life of abundance doing what you love; it’s also about healing the world.

How do you know when you have “message clarity?”

When your message attracts soulmate clients who joyfully hire you and get amazing results, and you have as many of them as you desire, you’ve got the message clarity you’re after.

If that’s not happening, more clarity is necessary.

Most entrepreneurs don’t know or can’t clearly explain:

* What they REALLY want to do

* Who they want to do it with

* The services, packages and pricing that’s most joyful

* How they do it

So of course, they have trouble communicating a clear message.

(I’m still in the process of clarifying my own message, by the way. I’d say that I’m about 85% there at the moment. You get a front row seat a for the journey, if you’re interested.)

Your message is ALIVE and BECOMING.

You can’t get to it with logic and formulas alone.

But without using the gifts of your mind, it doesn’t carry the same clarity.

It seems to me that…

…a potent message requires clarity on three things: heart, intention and transformation.

The HEART of your message is your soul story woven of your deep purpose, mission and genius. 

It’s your own story of transformation, which inevitably mirrors that of your soulmate client, and its expression as your vision for a transformed world.

For spiritual entrepreneurs, this is your soul’s calling lived through your business.

Your “calling” is so integrated with how you see the world and what you’re creating that you can’t NOT be living it…even if it’s time to step into a bigger vision.

You’re the fish already swimming in the ocean of your deepest purpose and calling, searching for water.

Your soul’s story is uncovered by exploring:

* Your greatest gifts

* The way you see the world that makes them possible

* The flavor of Genius as it moves through you

Your vision is then expressed as the change you’d like to create in this world.

The heart of your message aligns with your deepest purpose, infusing it with inspiration, both for you and the people you’re here to serve. 

You’re no longer simply offering a service; you’re inviting your clients to join you in changing the world.

Hello, inspiration! 

The INTENTION in your message allows you to create your heart-aligned offer and reach people with clarity.

If you could help anyone, who would be most inspiring? If you could do that in a way that thrills your soul, what would that be?

You choose the soulmate client who you’re overjoyed to help and who has the specific circumstances where your gifts get the best results. 

Call to mind your individual soulmate clients to uncover the level of specificity necessary for magnetic messaging.

It’s not enough to say, “moms with grown children who are in search of their greater purpose” (though that’s a good start.) 

Get more specific. 

“Moms with grown children who are spiritual seekers and healers themselves, though they don’t yet know what that looks like in the world, and who want to find their way of expressing it.”

And more specific still. 

Are these women returning to a professional career? Do they want to start a business? Do they dream of making an impact in their communities with service and volunteering? 

You get clear about the journey you want to be on and design your offer and message from that intention.


I’m not telling you that you HAVE to “narrow your niche” or promise tangible results to get clients.

I’m sharing the principles at play here.

Focused intention and consistent actions over time get more results.

But. There’s more than one way to get there.

You can set a clear intention in ways that don’t look like a niche or guaranteed outcomes.

I have client-playmates who are inviting people to an EXPERIENCE where results may vary.

Yes, you can do that.

If you’re calling in new people you’ve never worked with before, you can still be clear about who you’re inviting. 

Yes, you can do that.

You can do whatever you desire, however you’d like to do it.


…if you want specific results, you’ll be more likely to get them by being clear and specific in describing what’s on offer.

My favorite offers allow room for both EXPERIMENTATION and SPECIFICITY.

You get to choose. 


The TRANSFORMATION in your message describes the transformational journey of your soulmate clients and your unique methodology for creating it. 

This provides credibility as well as a clear expression of your expertise and the value it creates.

Where do your soulmate clients begin the journey? Where do they end? What happens along the way?

Understanding the transformational journey of your soulmate client allows you to create transformational content prompting the insights that begin the process. 

Your unique methodology is a combination of your Contrarian Voice of Wisdom, the beliefs you have that run counter to the norm in your profession, as well as the process you follow and the tools used.

Articulating all of this lets your people understand how you do what you do, so you can attract aligned clients. It means better results for you and them.


These three magical elements engage people in SOUL, BODY AND MIND.

You get the whole person showing up, understanding what you do, and fully invested in the journey.

It’s clean and clear, no hype or manipulation necessary.

It’s you, your message, and the person you’re here to help.


This is a call to adventure:

Diving into your soul’s story, articulating your vision in the language of your soul, and crafting the offer and message to connect powerfully with your soulmate clients, so you get to do what you love exactly how you love doing it.

I have a self-paced coaching journey for experienced coaches, healers and spiritual experts working 1:1 with me to create services, offers and messaging that light you up, and un-marketing your business so that it’s easy and joyful to share.

This journey is the best match for good writers and/or speakers who love sharing what they know, and who are up for a curious adventure into infinite possibilities to create something that surprises and delights them. It’s currently priced at mid-four figures or less. Contact me here for more details and we’ll have a chat to see if it’s a match.

Yours in creative play,
