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This question was asked recently by someone who was feeling overwhelmed and overloaded:

“I am experiencing: A) Overwhelm. B) Lack of joyfulness. What am I doing wrong?”

Mountain lake with trees

Put it down and come back later.

I spent my 8th grade year being homeschooled, essentially teaching myself math, and really struggled! The more frustrated I got, the more I would try, until I’d whipped myself up into a frenzy.

My mom would say, “Whenever you’re really frustrated, step away for a few hours. Come back to it later.”

Much as I hated to admit it as a teenager, she was so right.

I’d give it a rest for a few hours or even overnight. Then when I came back fresh, I’d find the way through. It’s almost like the issue solved itself magically while I was resting.

Everything is easier when I’m in a good state of mind.

It even works with math!

So while I’m not educated enough on your situation to tell you where to begin, what I do know is that any time I’m feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, it’s time to stop and settle down. Once the feeling passes, things will look different and I’ll know what to do.

Already, you’ve asked for help instead of struggling on your own, which is absolutely brilliant! And exactly what community is for.

A friend likes to ask this question when she’s feeling overwhelmed:

“What would JOY do today?”

It’s a beautiful question that can often point you in the direction of a kind action.

Stop and do nothing.

Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about what to do, I just STOP. I let myself wait and do nothing until something occurs to me.

Now, what’s important to note is in the “waiting” time I’m not continuing to try to figure out what to do. I’m not worrying about it. I really let it drop.

Within 10 minutes I know what to do next, without trying. Every time.

It might be: go for a walk, or take a nap. Or suddenly I’ll find myself working on a task that needs doing.

I believe that you always have the energy to do what’s yours to do. If you don’t have the energy, it’s not yours to do right now.

Life is kind like that.

What do you think?