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If your business feels like it doesn’t fit, it’s probably because you’re playing by someone else’s rules instead of your own.

Proven strategies aren't a fit for your coaching business

The “hustle” of marketing and sales can feel exhausting, taking you away from what you love to do, which was why you started your business in the first place.

But this doesn’t mean anything is WRONG.

In fact, it’s your guidance system kicking in letting you know it’s time for a change.

Imagine you’re driving down the highway in a fancy new car and you start drifting into another lane. What happens? 

It beeps, letting you know to get back in your lane.

The problem with borrowing someone else’s “proven” strategy is that it was inspired by their innate wisdom as the path to THEIR desired business. 

When you get in there and implement, one or more elements won’t fit. It’s tempting to think the problem is YOU, since it’s clearly working for others.

What if you celebrate instead?

You’ve engaged your inner wisdom guidance system, and it’s directing you back into your lane. 

Get quiet and present. As the swirling thoughts begin to settle, your wisdom will speak to you with a voice that’s soft and kind. 

Listen for guidance, and if you’re led, this may be a good time to reflect on what you’d really like to create NOW.

The brilliant thing about our creativity is that it responds to the instructions we give with our desires, and sometimes (often) that changes as we discover it.

When you adopt someone else’s strategy, you’re adopting something that’s designed to optimize for THEIR ideal business, not yours.

This happened to me a few months ago.

My inner wisdom was repeatedly giving me the nudge to GET MORE SPECIFIC in my business. 

I kept seeing the message everywhere, via Human Design essays, FB posts, conversations with friends, and each time it set off a “ping” of recognition inside me. 

I’d been drifting for quite some time, not really choosing a direction, and I knew it. “Yep. It’s time to get more specific.”

The universe set two amazing entrepreneurs in my path, both of whom had created their business with very specific intentions. They were masters of optimizing for efficiency and results.

I began to learn from them and apply it in my own business by creating a specific offer that was very clear about the experience, who it was for, and the results you could expect.

The response was immediate! 

But I quickly realized that while my business was asking for more specificity, optimizing for maximum efficiency and results doesn’t fit me.

I place a high value on creativity, and was boxing myself in with too much focus on efficiency. One of the things I love most about creating with clients are the surprise creations we never could have anticipated, and that requires space that looks “inefficient” to the logical mind.

The entrepreneurs I’d been learning from had optimized their businesses for maximum efficiency, client results and profit…but what I really wanted was FREEDOM first.

Immediately, it became clear where I needed to do things differently, still using what I’d learned about specificity, but applying it in the creation of my own joyful business.

The beeps were letting me know I was drifting out of my lane.

I invite you to place an order for EXACTLY the business you’d most like to have.

What’s most important to YOU in your business?

  • Profit
  • Revenue (these are different!)
  • Impact (Is it deep impact with a few, or broader impact with a larger group?)
  • Experience
  • Client results
  • Creativity
  • Variety
  • Freedom 
  • Free time
  • Fame
  • Status
  • Recognition
  • Visibility
  • Simplicity
  • Purpose
  • Integrity 

Make a list. Then put these things in order to find your top five.

(Note: if a money-related value doesn’t appear in your top five, and you’re not creating the income you desire, bumping it up the list will help. A lot. )

This reflection can be incredibly clarifying about the services, offers and clients you’d like to serve. You might even become clear that you want to do something else entirely.

It reveals the path to your way of doing business.

I love drawing this out of clients in an organic conversation, rather than with a list, because we notice where their thinking creates stuck spots. 

It’s common to notice either-or thinking like, “If I make a lot of money, I’ll have to violate my integrity or sacrifice time with my family.”

Noticing these apparent contradictions allows us to explore what else is possible, and create a business that ticks all your boxes in a way that’s completely one-of-a-kind and inspiring for you.

That’s playing the game of changing the world, your way. 

And, if you’re moved, you’re invited to join me…

I have an inspiring coaching journey for experienced coaches, healers and experts over 3-6 months, working 1:1 with me to create joyful coaching programs, group experiences and courses, soulfully priced and aligned. We craft irresistible messaging woven with your deep purpose, mission and genius gifts to attract your soulmate clients, and discover your authentic way of reaching them with joyful un-marketing. No hype or endless social media posting required. 

This is best suited for good writers and/or speakers who love sharing what they know, and who are ready to create something BIG. It’s currently priced at the mid-four figures, with monthly payment options. Contact me here if you’re interested for more details, and we’ll have a chat about whether you’re a match.

Yours in creative play,
