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Starfish and shells on a sandy beach

It’s time to make a change.

I have my fingers in the pies of at least seven different projects, and my energies have become scattered.

It’s time to bring my attention HOME.

This is my Summer of Focus.

Not focus on getting things done or plowing through my To Do List, but rather focusing on the foundations of my life and business. Bringing my attention to the things that matter right now.

Think of it like this…

Take each element of your business into your hands, one at a time. Be with it. Tenderly. Appreciate. Notice.

Does this still belong? Does it want to change? Is it time to let this go?

We spend so little time on Rest and Reflection in western society. The emphasis is on doing, producing and creating.

The rest we do allow ourselves is typically “just enough” rest to save us from exhaustion so we can get back to work. Seldom do we allow the time for our batteries to fully recharge.

And Reflection. Who even does that?

Slowing down enough to appreciate the insights that have been coming, the growth that has occurred, the changes asking to be made.

It’s too easy to rush, rush, rush on to the next thing, automatically doing what’s been done before.

And so…

I will be taking a Summer of Focus to review, renew and reinforce the foundations of my life and business.

I don’t yet know exactly what that will look like or what actions will emerge as a result.

You may find yourself in a similar season where it’s time to bring your attention to the foundations of what you’d like to create.

If so, I offer a few questions for contemplation:

  • What are your foundations? What is the solid ground you stand upon?
  • What would you like to create now? Is it different from what you’ve been doing?
  • What nourishes your foundation?
  • What value are you creating and receiving?
  • What systems and practices of support can you create?
  • What joy and ease can you bring?

A strong, purposeful foundation is a beautiful thing to build upon. Let’s remember this as we bring our energies back in and cultivate an intentional and truly enjoyable life.

And if you should find yourself in another season of life, you’ll know that, too.

I’d love to hear about what’s emerging in your life and business! Send me a note about it, if you’re moved to share. (I take the time to read and respond to each email, though it may take a few days.)

Yours in love and play,
