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You come to me with Desire.

(You, he, she, them, those who find their way to my doorstep.)

Sometimes you know (or think you know) exactly what that Desire is. You have spent eager days, months, years dreaming of it.

Sometimes you only know the Desire is there, on the other side of possibility, waiting.

In any case, in every case…

What you think you desire is not what you REALLY desire.

(Which is perfect, and perfectly beautiful. This is how the divine chase begins.)

“I want to do what I love and get paid for it.”

“I want to heal the world.”

“I want to express myself through my business, help people, make money and feel GOOD about it.”

Slowly, what you really desire begins to emerge. And inevitably…

You already have it. You’re already doing it. You already ARE it.

“That’s a very pretty picture, Stephanie. Pretty words,” my Skeptic interjects, “but HOW do you do it?”

A very good and worthy question, indeed.

This is what it means to me, in this moment, to be a Wild Creation Coach and Soul Storyteller, a happy metaphor to describe what I do with the coaches, healers and experts who are changing the world.

How do you move from this idea of what you Desire in Business to actually living and creating it?

This is the journey of Wild Creation, and how it looks:

#1 – It begins with acceptance.

The stories you’re making up about what you want, what you’re allowed to have, what’s possible and what isn’t.

The skills, abilities and expertise you’ve cultivated. The experiences you’ve lived. 

The way the world looks to you.

Even the resistance and your refusal to accept these things.

All of this is invited and accepted. Acknowledged. Held.

Once we’re present with all of that, there is a settling. And then…

#2 – You can know what you know…and what you don’t (yet.)

From the present you can see something new. 

You’re much clearer about what you want (really) and what you know (in this moment) to do to get it.

You begin to explore the game you’d like to play in business and in life.

If you could make it up any way — and you can — what would that be?

The adventure of your Wild Creation begins.

#3 – We create cool shit together.

What would you create if you could create anything?

Who would you be?

What mountain is so inspiring to climb that you’d make the attempt, even if you never get to the summit?

Your grandest dreams and desires, now acknowledged, are broken down into small, doable actions. 

We engage in experiments and play, conversations and adventures. That which you’ve been called to create makes itself known as you take those steps towards it.

Together, we fall in love with YOUR adventure in Wild Creation.

“But how long does it take? And when do I see results?” my Skeptic butts in. “I’m on a timeline.”

Another beautiful question.

We might move from Acceptance to Knowing to Creation in a single session. Or we might linger in #1 or #2 for a while.

The journey unfolds in the time and the space that’s perfect for you because it is YOUR journey, and yours alone.

It’s joyful, inspiring and deeply moving.

Sometimes there are tears of sadness or frustration. Often, there is laughter and play.

Always, always, there is love.

This is what I’m creating these days. This is the journey of Wild Creation you’re invited to join me in.

I’m inviting experienced coaches, healers, movement therapists, and experts…

…who are ready to create a new service, modality, course, workshop, retreat, book or online business…

…in a way that’s joyful, soul-aligned, authentic, natural and YOURS…

…to have powerful impact and true wealth through a business that absolutely lights you up.

If this sounds intriguing, contact me here and let’s have a chat to see if we’d like to be creationship partners. 🙂

Yours in creative play,
