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When the hustle of Business-As-Usual and marketing hype has you feeling like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel, it’s time for a new way.

Your way.

It can be hard to choose.


If you’ve been motivated by scarcity and fear (like I have for much of my life) it can feel scary to leave that behind.

After all, it got you this far, didn’t it?

Without that worry about the bills or pressure to do the right thing, would you just sit on the couch and binge Netflix all day?

But there is another path to the inspiring, joyful business that generates the income AND the impact you desire.

It asks you to stop chasing the next proven strategy, and quit following someone else’s system…

…and instead look within yourself for the aliveness that’s emerging from you right now.

While I’ve tasted the wonder of creating from my own innate wisdom, and tested it for myself, sometimes I still find myself tempted to play by someone else’s rules.

It would be SO NICE if someone just told me what to do to make it happen so I could do it!

There was a time when it felt okay for me to follow the systems and formulas. I was learning, and it got me into action, gave me a starting point, and taught me the principles of marketing.

But as time went on, the strategies that got me to $1 million in online sales felt “off” somehow.

I continued to do what I’d always done, but inside I knew that something had to change.

And it’s not found in searching for another proven strategy!

I’ve been bouncing back and forth between following my aliveness and following the rules.

Yesterday, I was challenged.

A potential client told me she’d received such value from our introductory conversations and every time she noticed shifts afterward, but she was hesitant to hire me because we hadn’t talked about STRATEGY yet.

I felt a response rise up in me with a clarity I’ve never experienced before.

“I’m not leading with the strategy anymore,” I said.

“I won’t promise that you’ll reach consistent $10k or $20k months with my proven formula or guarantee results.

“Because none of that is what you’re really after.

“What you really want is Connection. Flow. Safety. Love. Impact. Peace.

“And that doesn’t come from the outside. It comes from within, and knowing that you’re okay no matter what.

“How many times have you said, ‘I’ll feel safe when I make $x dollars,’ only to hit that goal and feel every bit as anxious about money as you ever had?

“No strategy or even guaranteed results can ever give you what you truly desire. 

“Here’s what’s on offer on this journey with me:

“You’ll experience how you can know you’re okay no matter what. Whether the money is up or down, whether or not you feel afraid, you’ll know deep down that you’re held and cared for.

“You’ll explore what it means to do business your way, outside the box, in a way that’s simple, inspiring and wisdom-led, in whatever form occurs to you to do that.

“You’ll explore your voice and your message for changing the world as it emerges through you, and find your own way of authentically sharing it, on the mediums and platforms that light you up, leaving all the rules and hype behind.

“You’ll know that you can trust your inner wisdom to navigate through any situation, no matter how challenging, and that while things may not always go according to plan, if you keep looking and heading in the direction you desire, you’ll find what you seek.

“You’ll be surprised and delighted by the synchonricities and serendipities that come from following your wisdom. You’ll be astounded by the words that come from your lips and the resources that appear just when you need them.

“Strategy? We’ll probably talk about it now and again, but only in service to your inner wisdom. I’ll guide you to it by following my own.

“If strategy is what you want, there are plenty of gorgeous coaches who will sell it to you, and it might even help, but that’s not the game I’m playing anymore.”

I heard myself say these words and knew they were true. 

This is the path of my own awakened business, and this is what it looks like right now, and I’m willing to change it as guided.

I’ll probably be tempted to do it the “right way” from time to time, and that’s okay.

I’m stepping into my New Way of doing business, taking a stand to guide others on their own path, without promising outcomes meant to fill the imaginary lack that can never be satisfied externally.

The funny thing about this “new way” of doing business is that it’s been with us all along, the way we followed as small children, exploring, playing and creating as we learned to navigate life…before we took on the rules of shoulds and how it’s supposed to be.

The “new way” isn’t a new set of rules that’s different from the old; it’s a path that doesn’t need rules at all.

What is YOUR way of doing business now?

Let’s find out. 

Yours in creative play,


P.S. If you’re feeling a call to the adventure of doing business your way…

I have a six-month coaching journey for experienced coaches, healers and wellness practitioners working 1:1 with me to create joyful coaching programs, group experiences and courses, all soulfully priced and aligned. We craft irresistible messaging woven with your deep purpose, mission and genius gifts to attract your soulmate clients, and discover your authentic way of reaching them with joyful un-marketing. No hype or endless social media posting required. 

This is best suited for good writers and/or speakers who love sharing what they know, and who are ready to create something BIG. It’s currently priced at the mid-four figures, with monthly payment options. Contact me here if this sounds like you, or if you’re curious, and we’ll have a chat to see what emerges. 🙂