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The Sunny Side of Failure

The Sunny Side of Failure

I failed at creating my Impossible Project. This means that I didn’t do my exotic dragon dance performance within the 90 days. (You can read about my lessons learned and what’s happening next here.) But that isn’t the only “failure” I’ve experienced lately. A couple...
Reinventing Your Life & Business

Reinventing Your Life & Business

I’m about to turn my life upside down. Again. The theme we’re exploring in the Wildspire community this month is CHANGE, and it has a particular relevance for me. Right now, I’m in the process of immigrating to Portugal, leaving my home and beautiful relationship, to...
What If Conflict Doesn’t Exist?

What If Conflict Doesn’t Exist?

I’m preparing to co-facilitate a workshop on conflict when I’m in Portugal next month, and frankly, I’ve never thought so much about conflict in my life. Where does it come from? What makes it worse? What makes it disappear? So it’s not surprising that in bringing my...