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sunflower in the sun

I was exploring Getting Stuff Done with a client playmate today, and the seemingly endless pressure to do more, check another mark on the To Do List, accomplish something “productive.”

She described some of the many Voices of Doing.

Each one had an opinion, often attached to memory from the past.

“You must work before you play.”

“Once your work is done, you’ll get a chocolate reward.”

“If you won’t let me play, I won’t do anything!”

“Come on, let’s do it together. Then we can have a cookie.”

Some of these voices were more helpful than others. But then she noticed a Voice that was different.

  • Each action is a blessing.
  • Every action is a celebration.
  • The Universe acts through you.

“This voice is quieter,” she said. “It’s my Highest Self.”

Beneath all the voices, beneath all your thoughts, there is the voice of Truth.

It gives us exactly what we need to hear when we need to hear it, and you know it by how it feels.

The Truth is often too simple to satisfy the mind, but its feeling is nourishing to the soul.

I’ve yet to meet a person who didn’t see, hear or feel that guidance when they felt calm and peaceful. It’s that simple, and the result of living from that guidance is effortless momentum and natural productivity.

When you get quiet inside…

What message does your Highest Self have for you?

Yours in love and play,
